Monday Jun 12, 2023
The Generosity Effect - The Generous Heart
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Join us at Logan as we start our new series, The Generosity Effect. This week Norman speaks about having a generous heart when it comes to our finances. Being generous with money is not based on an amount you give but the capacity of your heart. How do you prioritise your giving? Have you ever experienced the kind of grace from God that enables you to do something that is beyond your limitations?
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (ESV)
Monday Jun 05, 2023
A Light in Babylon - Prayer That Propels
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Join us at Logan as we continue with our current series, A Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Henry helps us to understand the power of prayer. How do you pray? Do you pray out of a desire to experience God and to invite Him into that moment? What does it look like to have a fervent prayer life? Who are the people you surround yourself with when you are seeking the will of God?
Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might.He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. - Daniel 2:20-22 (ESV)
Sunday May 28, 2023
A Light in Babylon - The Vessels of God
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
A Light in Babylon - Dens and Windows
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Join us in Logan as we continue with our current series, A Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Henry talks about Daniel's unwavering devotion to God and his commitment to prayer. His faith in God wasn't determined by what society was trying to mold him into because he was already molded by God. What are daily things that we are doing to posture ourselves towards God? Has God molded you in a specific way to lean on Him?
Then, at break of day, the king arose and went in haste to the den of lions. As he came near to the den where Daniel was, he cried out in a tone of anguish. The king declared to Daniel, “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” 21 Then Daniel said to the king, “O king, live forever! 22 My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm. -Daniel 6:19-22 (ESV)
Monday May 15, 2023
A Light in Babylon - Transforming Kings
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Join us in Logan as we continue with our current series, A Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Henry unpacks the transformative power of God’s grace in and through the life of Nebuchadnezzar. Transformation is a process. What is our response to people we are reaching out to? Are we sharing the truth of God’s word? Have you considered if you are connected to and glorifying The Lord daily?
While the words were still in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, “O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you, and you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. And you shall be made to eat grass like an ox, and seven periods of time shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.” Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles' feathers, and his nails were like birds' claws. - Daniel 4:31-33 (ESV)
Monday May 08, 2023
A Light in Babylon - Another In The Fire
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Join us in Logan as we continue with our current series, A Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Neli helps to identify the real characteristics of ourselves that come to the surface when we’re under pressure. The Kingdom of God sees hope in the midst of suffering, found only in Jesus being with us. What does it look like personally to live a life without compromise each day?
Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and rose up in haste. He declared to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?” They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.” He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” - Daniel 3:24:25 (ESV)
Monday May 01, 2023
A Light in Babylon - These Dreams
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Join us in Logan as we continue with our current series, A Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Henry helps us to determine the actions to take when God shows us His promises. Do you live out the standard that God has set out for you? What are some of the practical ways you can demonstrate the unifying power of God’s kingdom in your daily life and interactions with others?
Then the king gave Daniel high honors and many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. Daniel made a request of the king, and he appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the affairs of the province of Babylon. But Daniel remained at the king's court. - Daniel 2:48-49 (ESV)
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Light in Babylon - 10 Times Better
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Join us in Logan as we start our new series, Light in Babylon. This week Pastor Henry speaks about being a light in our own city. How faithful are you to God’s standards? Do you have the same level of resilience as Daniel to be different and not influenced by the world around you? If you stand out because of God, you will be given the opportunity to stand up for God. Be a light in your Babylon.
But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs, and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king.” - Daniel 1:8-10 (ESV)
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Gone Fishing - Rattling in the Restoration
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Join as at Logan as we continue with our current series, Gone Fishing. Pastor Henry continues with the pillars of the Gospel, with this week focusing on restoration. God wants to restore all of creation and it started through Jesus. You are in the process of being made whole, of being restored. How has God's promise of resurrection and restoration impact your perspective on life, death, and God's redemptive plan?
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them. But there was no breath in them. - Ezekiel 37:7-8 (ESV)
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Gone Fishing - Had, Seen, Heard!
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Join us at Logan for a special Resurrection Sunday service. oday Pastor Henry focuses on redemption as we continue to discuss the different movements of the Gospel. What is our level of love and devotion for Jesus? Are you devoted to pursue Jesus with determination and persistence? Are you ready for a transformed life through the resurrection power of Jesus?
But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. - Luke 24:1-3 (ESV)